CODE_n Alumni | Catching up with … Massive Analytic

10/20/2015  |  CODE_n Alumni, Entrepreneurship, Interview

Massive Analytic, a pioneer in Artifical Precognition, was one of CODE_n’s finalists in 2014 and has come on leaps and bounds since its time with us in Hanover. In our next part of the CODE_n Alumni catch-up series, we talked to CEO George Frangou about the young company’s most important learnings and greatest achievements (like building a relationship with Microsoft) since then.


Following on from your time as a CODE_n finalist, what have been Massive Analytic’s greatest achievements?

George Frangou: I would say our greatest achievement has been the launch of Oscar AP on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace in June of this year. Our technology is now available for purchase. It’s exciting to be building that relationship with Microsoft. We’re also proud of our entry to the Lockheed Martin Virtual Technology Cluster. Getting both of those endorsements have been great for us.

What lessons have you learned or failures you’ve experienced and how have you coped with them?

George Frangou: The key lessons we have learned over the last year is to get our product messaging right. Often it is easy to be passionate about the product and describe it in a manner that does not resonate with the target audience. We were able to set that right on the back of our involvement in CODE_n and the client engagements that followed immediately.

What were your biggest takeaways from your time at CODE_n?

George Frangou: The biggest takeaway from CODE_n for me was seeing how many young innovative companies there are doing different and exciting things. It was great to share experiences and inspiring to see what’s going on.

What advice would you give to startups looking to enter CODE_n?

George Frangou: Make connections with other companies, make an effort to speak to everyone and hear their stories. And also enjoy yourselves!

As an expert in the area of Artificial Precognition, what areas of this do you see as opportunities for big corporates and what areas do some of them struggle with?

George Frangou: The opportunity with Artificial Precognition (AP) for big corporations is for them to empower their business analysts to be able to do the kind of advanced analytics previously reserved for data scientists. AP means big corporates can make every decision data driven with more ease than before knowing that they’re using all of their data. Today companies struggle with the length of the decision episode, by the time the insight is in the hands of the senior execs the initiative has passed. With Oscar AP the struggle of lengthy decision episodes no longer exists, you can move from data to insight to decision much more quickly.

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us – it was great to catch up!

More information about CODE_n Alumnus Massive Analytic can be found on the Massive Analytic Website and their blog.