CODE_n is back: unveiling digital disruption with an exclusive new event – the “new.New Festival”!

02/16/2016  |  EVENTS

At this morning’s press conference, we were finally officially able to break the silence, announcing what initiator Ulrich Dietz called “a new dimension for CODE_n.” After four prosperous and exciting years in CeBIT’s Hall 16, it was time for CODE_n to not only move on, but also take its next big step with an all-new, completely independent international innovation festival, right on our own doorstep. We proudly present: the CODE_n new.New Festival!

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Although quite a lot of things have changed – like the date, September 20-22, and the location, the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM) – we’re once again bringing together the digital avant-garde: a group of hand-picked startups selected to be this year’s CODE_n CONTEST Finalists will get the chance to rub shoulders with our well-known partners, all of which are experts from the fields of science, industry, and business. The event gives them the ideal opportunity to present and discuss their digital business models and ideas. In a nutshell: they will drive innovation forward.

Let’s have a look at what’s new and what will make our brand new CODE_n event, also initiated by GFT, this year’s hot spot for participants and visitors. An up-close look at the new.New Festival:

1. New location at the heart of Baden-Wurttemberg

The ZKM is located in Karlsruhe, a city with strong technology connections. A leading cultural institution, the ZKM is the only one of its kind worldwide, and, as such, it’s the perfect place for inspiration. Not only does it attract international visitors, it is also located at the heart of Baden-Wuerttemberg, which is home to many well-known corporations, small and medium-sized businesses, and prestigious universities. This is where entrepreneurs and technology enthusiasts live and work – and it’s where we’ll bring our guests. The festival will be surrounded by different innovation activities all over Karlsruhe, really allowing the atmosphere to spring to life. All that the ZKM has to offer with its different courtyards, exhibition spaces, and the captivating atmosphere will flow into the spectacular designs of Berlin-based architect Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge, thanks to a concept that enhances the surroundings with elements of the digitalized world.

2. New date in the fall of 2016

With all the conferences going on, we suggest you save the date for our festival immediately: September is generally a good month to visit Germany and we promise we will make it worth your while. In addition to the unique location, we will present digital developments at their best. The so-called innovation area will serve as a sort of marketplace for digital pioneers, innovation teams, established corporations, scientists, and visitors to connect with one another – with plenty of room for inspiration, presentation, and exchange. The conference program spans three days on three stages. It will be filled with talks and discussions from prestigious speakers, highlighting everything there is to know about the trends, visions, and the current spirit sweeping various key areas – ranging, for example, from manufacturing to FinTechs and even the automotive and transportation sector.

3. Mixture of new and established partners

Our partners include TRUMPF, Accenture, and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), all of whom will be included in all festival elements. Whether they showcase their own technology, help fashion the conference program, or sponsor one of the CONTEST clusters: their experience will enrich the festival’s main goal of unveiling digital disruption. Johanna Wanka, member of the German Government and Federal Minister of Education and Research, will act as patron for the new.New Festival.

We will soon be revealing even more details. Sneak preview? For one, the CODE_n CONTEST clusters will be disclosed, calling all startups to participate! Plus: even more amazing partners will be announced. Hooked? So are we! Check our blog for updates and register here for news about festival ticket sales.

Visit our Newsroom for the press release and additional information.